
Jan 10, 2021    Tim Webb

At Champion Fellowship, we desire to equip disciples to be image bearers who love God, love others and share Christ. All throughout the Bible we see God fashioning a people who would represent his love and character in the world that they live in. His love is unique in that it seeks the highest good for others and is always at the expense of the giver. It is a love that comes from his character and is demonstrated through the giving of his Son through his death on the cross, the highest good evidenced in all of humanity. The one who knew no sin became sin on our behalf that we might know the righteousness of God. It is out of his love that we are also to love others. Loving others is simply the fruit of loving God and is put on display so that the world would know that we are his!

Matthew 22:37-40

The vision of CF is simply the “how” of doing our mission. We facilitate loving God, others and sharing Christ through…
•Connect with Christ
•Care for others
•Commit to serve