The Book of 1 John (3:19-24)

Jun 27, 2021    Tim Webb

In our study of 1 John, we will see him encouraging the believers to remain steadfast in their confession that Jesus Christ is God’s Son. It’s the age-old story that was revealed between the conflict of two brothers in Genesis 4. That same conflict existed in John’s day and in the life that believers experience today. False teachers, led by the spirit of the antichrist, trying to deceive believers into rejecting Jesus as the sole means of access to the Father and His gift of eternal life. John will use the Old Testament to validate that Jesus is in fact the long, anticipated Son of God who would give His life as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. Those who listened to the teaching of the apostles and confessed faith in Him would be forgiven of their sin. They would at the same time receive access to the Father and be made a Child of God. Faith in Jesus as the Christ would also give them fellowship with the apostles, the Father, and His Son. What a timely study as we see people groping in the darkness, trying to find their way to hope. We can find much-needed encouragement, just as John encouraged the believers to remain in the light, we too need to point the way to eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ!