Palm Sunday

Start Holy Week off right by joining us on Palm Sunday.
Sunday Services April 10th  @ 9 AM & 10:45 AM

Worship Night

Love music? Enjoy a Night of Worship
Wednesday April 13th  @ 6:30 PM
Childcare for Pre-k and under 

Easter Jam

Kids this one is for you! A fun-filled night for families.
Thursday April 14th @ 5:30 PM
Food, Dancing, Easter Play, Games, and More...

Good Friday

We take a moment to remember Jesus' sacrifice.
Friday April 15th @ 6:30 PM

Passion of the Christ

Come watch the Mel Gibson movie "Passion of the Christ"
Saturday April 16th @ 6:30 PM


It's time to celebrate our Risen Savior!
Join us Sunday April 17th @ 9 AM or 10:45 AM

Holy Week Special Edition Episodes

How much do you know about the events leading up to the resurrection? We want to help ignite your faith by hearing and learning about all the events that took place and why.  Along with the episodes there is a study guide that walks you through each day, eight days in total. We invite you to join us in the journey to greater understanding of the events that took place leading up to the resurrection of Christ. Click any link below to download the study guide, download our app, or subscribe to our podcast.

Sign Up To Be Baptized

Easter is such a celebration time for the church. We celebrate our rise Savior while also celebrating with those who are raised to life in Christ through baptism. If you have been waiting, click the icon to sign up to be baptized this Easter.

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